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Hello and welcome to Creative Notes - a quiet space that’s the opposite of the scrolling culture.

Here I share my thoughts on creativity, seasonal slow living in the French countryside, my home renovation and garden design; general musings on life, books and articles that inspires me, and anything else that I think you too might find inspiring and / or helpful.

It's all very loose and spontaneous and a bit random - no schedule, just going with the flow and following inspiration. 

Sometimes writing long essays, sometimes just a few sentences, and sometimes letting my photographs speak for themselves. 

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Seasonal observations, garden musings, creativity, and the quiet magic of a simple, slow life in rural France.


50-something artist, photographer, writer. Introvert & highly sensitive. Cat companion. Flower lover. Living a simple life in rural France, turning a field into a garden, celebrating the seasons, and trying to tread lightly on our beautiful planet.